Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Homeschooling on Those Hard Days

 We all have had days when home schooling is really hard! The children are disconnected and just a little unruly. So change things up and make it a fun day that is still constructive.

 Are they being wiggly? Set up hopscotch on the kitchen floor if it is yucky outside. Use a wadded up paper towel for the tosser. This will help them burn up some energy and laugh! While doing this pop some popcorn and get ready for the next step in an unusual day.

 Once they are worn out a little put the popcorn in a large unbreakable bowl and head for the frontroom. Sit down leaning up against the furniture in a big circle. You get to start this. Holding the bowl in your hands start telling a story. Make it simple. After a few sentences take some popcorn and pass the bowl to whoever is next to you. They do not get any popcorn until they have added to the story. This works really well with younger children. Letting them create from their imaginaton helps them to think outside that box that tends to constrict us. We spent many hours laughing and sharing doing this.

 For an older child doing that process on the computer is fun and can be saved for later usuage. My oldest son and I spent hours creating fun stories that took unusaul turns. Let your imagination out to play!

 Need some help getting started? Try these:
  • It was snowing outside and all of the lights went out.
  • I was taking a walk when I saw a .....
  • The walrus was just sitting on the curb looking totally lost!
  • When we went to the beach we found a ...
  • Grandpa was taking a nap in the big chair and I ...
  • Dad said we were going on a trip and I was hoping to go to...
 This can encourage laughter and togetherness. Have fun with it ! Happy story telling!

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